Friday, August 9, 2019

King Ragnar! That is my name!

Suggestion on improving the subject.

Suggestion on improving the subject.

During this course we were taught about a computer and its applications. We were taught about cyber security, green computing, web, internet, applications, microsoft office tools. During the lectures we faced no such issue as there is no room left for improvement. The topics were accurately matched with the practicals that were conducted in the lab. Eventually, now we got an idea of preparing presentations and also circuits on a circuit simulator. We had a friendly environment and all the doubts if anyone had were cleared thoroughly. Overall experience was very smooth.

The Importance of Privacy, Security,Legal and Green Computing awareness for society.

The Importance of Privacy, Security,Legal and Green Computing awareness for society.

Presently day online person to person communication extended exponentially,with the greatest names in internet based life,for example, Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and Snap Chat. We as a whole appreciate staying aware of loved ones via web-based networking media however we must know about our protection and security when we have to be aware of our privacy and security when we do.


Presently day online interpersonal interaction extended exponentially , with the greatest names in web based life, for example, Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and Snap Chat. We as a whole appreciate staying aware of loved ones via web-based networking media however we must know about our protection and security when we do.


Securing significant information, secret data, systems, programming, hardware, offices, organization's advantages, and security staff ought to do some degree of money saving advantage investigation to guarantee that the assets exhausted on preparing don't surpass the advantage. Use of web based life utilizing the work spot arrange by the representatives makes it inclined to infections and malware assault . This is a major issue and represents an incredible danger to the security of classified information over the association . Client login certifications , client data and other touchy data that these malweres interpret could without much of a stretch negatively affect the association's notoriety causing it to lose client trust.By plainly instructing workers to limit the use of online networking and not fall a prey to misleading content connections , you can counteract such setbacks that could conceivably happen to your organization.


A copyright ensures the proprietor of one sort of licensed innovation. Just specific sorts of works which fall inside the U.S Copyright Act can be copyrighted. The copyright procedure has turned out to be genuinely straightforward with conventional works like books , plays , motion pictures , and theater . Be that as it may, copyright is somewhat more troublesome with the appearance of the internet.For model ,blogger must know about what they write to dodge copyright .And before you utilize a picture from the web you should make certain to get a permit of open area image.This article takes a gander at different online networking locales and their copyright arrangements.


Green Computing is significant in light of the fact that it keeps the world more clean. It spares our characteristic asset that we have to endure . In the event that green registering was never created , the world would be dirtier than it as of now is . It additionally makes our electronic gadgets work all the more effectively and last longer.It shows individuals how to be thankful about what they need to underestimate it. A large portion of the individuals don't value every one of the things that they have that other individuals could never dream of having. For instance:PC,TV and PC.


There are numerous variables that add to the transformation of the web yet as a matter of first importance we should realize what is the internet. The web is a worldwide PC system giving an assortment of data and correspondence facilities,consisting of interconnecting systems utilizing an institutionalized correspondence protocols.The Internet is an overall gathering of systems that connections a large number of organizations, government offices, instructive establishments, and individuals.The web began as a test in the late 1960s by the ARPA.The US Department of Defense built up a task called ARPANET, it was created to endure atomic assault. ARPANET comprised of 4 fundamental PCs situated at University of California, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara , The Stanford Research Institute,University of Utah. Every one of these PCs cut off as a host on the system,regularly today known as server.

The first systems administration convention utilized on the ARPANET was the Network Control Program.In 1983,it was supplanted with TCP/IP convention designed by Robert Kahn, Vinton Cerf and others,which rapidly turned out to be most generally utilized system convention on the planet. TCP/IP is a suite of correspondence convention used to interconnect organize gadgets on the web. It indicates how information is trade over the web by giving start to finish correspondence that recognize how it ought to be broken into parcels,tended to,transmitted,directed and got at goal.

In 1990, the ARPANET was resigned and moved to the NSFNET. The NSFNET was before long associated with the CSNET,which connected Universities around North America,and after that to EUNET , which associated look into offices in Europe.Much obliged to some extent to the NSF's edified administration, and energized by the ubiquity of the web,the utilized of web detonated after 1990, making the US government move the board to free association beginning in 1995.

About me!

Hello, I’m Danish currently studying in UCSI University. 😊
I am currently living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My favourite place to visit here in Malaysia is Genteng Highlands.
Sentences from Urdu to English.

Urdu : .میرا نام دانش ہے

English: My name is Danish.

میں پاکستان سے ہوں

English: I am from Pakistan.

میں ملائشیا۔ میں رہتا  

I live in Malaysia.

کیا آپ انگریزی بولتے ہیں؟

Do you speak English?

مجھے پاکستانی کھانہ پسند ہے

I like Pakistani food.

Things I like about Malaysia.

Beautiful natural environment - From postcard-perfect white sand beaches, to uninhabited rain forests with wildlife, Malaysia definitely has more than its fair share of natural wonders. Waterfalls, massive caves, thousands of islands, tree crabs, eagles, macaque monkeys - the list goes on! With numerous national parks, there are plenty of opportunities for people to get back to nature and experience the best of Malaysia’s wildlife.

Best street food in the world - Without a doubt, Malaysia has some of the best food on the planet. Full stop. It's most famous for the delicious array of street food - cheap, plentiful and jam packed full of flavour. Be sure to sample some delicious local speciality, Nasi Lemak – a tasty ensemble of coconut rice, spicy sauce, garnishes and often served with fried chicken. It’s a typical Malay breakfast dish but is served at all times of the day. But my absolute favourite has to be Shawarma - Around whole of KL. They're not much to look at but it has been brought by the Arabs, and is my all time favourite and the ultimate comfort food. It's best ordered from a Syrian Restaurant in KLCC.

Easy to get about - Kuala Lumpur is the home of Air Asia, so there are cheap and frequent connections to other parts of Malaysia. I also found travelling about KL surprisingly easy for such a big city. There is an extensive and expanding metro system, a good bus network and cheap taxis. It cost us 6RM to travel from our KL apartment to the city centre using apps like Grab or Uber. For regional travel, the train network is also extensive and excellent value for money. The road infrastructure is modern and fast regional motorways connect the main centres - so car hire is a good option for those with more time on their hands.

King Ragnar! That is my name!